james finn
2 min readJul 28, 2022


Undoubtedly, video plays a pivotal role not only in marketing but also in educational domains. It has been gaining popularity over the years and provides an excellent means in terms of providing memorable experiences on the part of the learners.

explainer video production

Animated explainer video offers flexibility and accessibility to end-users. Hence, it becomes imperative to outsource Explainer Video Production companies.

Understanding and interpreting become much easier for learners with an explainer video. Learners can easily comprehend the topic without going through the entire text.

Benefits of using Explainer Video Production

Improved Conversion Rate

It well documents that 85% of viewers know much of the company objective if they watch the explainer video, thereby hastening purchasing decisions.

Better SEO Ranking

There is a pronounced chance of improving your ranking on Google, and this is because learners are more interested in watching the video than watching simple text.

Considerable Scope for Pitching

The organization gets ample chance to showcase the brand’s message across the length and breadth of the world through the video.

An Easy Way of Sharing

Since the organizations have already pitched the brand’s message, they can easily tell the story worldwide. Learners are crazy about watching the video. Many platforms are there where the organization efficiently channelizes its brand’s image.

Consistent and Heavy Learners’ Engagement

An explainer video is even better because it depicts its content by telling a story that mesmerizes viewers’ understanding and remains etched for a long time, and more ways to reach the target audience.

Complicated Ideas Become Simple

The striking part of the explainer video is that it makes complicated topics easy and understandable so that learners can comprehend them without difficulty.

It provides relevant information and, based on the information, the organization can effectively communicate with the aimed audiences. Hence, the importance of Explainer Video Production cannot wish away.


Many may think that an explainer video is cost-intensive. The following reasons justify its inexpensiveness.

· It requires a few team man-hours, so it is quick to produce

· No need for expensive sets because it takes care of the computer.

· There is no need for designers, actors, makeup artists and other related additional things.

Creativity and innovativeness of explainer video at its best; anything is possible.

Bottom Line

The Explainer video makes a strong brand authority and royalty to the brand and helps to retain returning consumers. Perchance is a great way to make a foundation and leads to an exciting business prospect. So, Explainer Video Production is worth investing in.

Therefore, always opt for professionals like Acadecraft UK for their expertise in providing services in this domain.

